XXV Moscow’s
international Congress
on Endovascular surgery

19-22 December, Moscow

Soluxe Hotel Moscow, 16 Vilgelma Pika


The Young Serve the Young and Not Only Them…

19 December

Main Course

20–22 December

Nursing Course

20–21 December

Exhibition Centre

20-22 December

About Congress

Dear Colleagues, partners and friends of our Society!

As you know, it is 25 years now that we’ve been holding the annual largest educational event in our country in endovascular radiology surgery.

A quarter of a century is a weighty time period. Yet it’s not only the many years that adorn our Congress, but also our keeping abreast of the times, even outrunning it sometimes, and invariably inviting you to the future of our specialty !

This year we are inviting you to participate and contribute to the Congress Programme, which has imbibed all the earlier programmes and participation formats.

You can visit the programmes of the plenary room, which is academic in its style and scientific matter; the room for roundtables, debates and discussions, as well as the break-out session room. The nursing course will last two days. You may also take part in the Young for the Young and More programme, compiled by young professionals.

As usual, we provide exhibition area to the leading authorities in medicine.

This year the centerpiece of it will be the Exhibition Centre, i.e. a multifunctional site, with the participation formats to be arranged at sponsors’ discretion, including interviews, practical exercises, instrument use simulation, expert opinions, discussions and other. The Centre will have a programme of its own.

And, of course, our “golden fund” is the archive of the best what has been recorded over the past 25 years, i.e. lectures, presentations, and live surgery video records. The “golden fund” transmissions will be moderated, or involve the recording participants themselves.

A serious and sizable work awaits you, including all things to plan, watch, participate proactively, fill your minds with knowledge, get impetus to practice it, as well as network with other professionals !

I’m confident that Your proactive input will help us make another step into the future of our specialty !

Looking forward to seeing your at the Congress !

Organizer - The Russian Scientific Society
of Endovascular Therapies

Participation and Broadcast

Registration — closed



Soluxe Hotel Moscow
16 Vilgelma Pika


All-Russian Public Organization "Russian scientific society of endovascular diagnostic and treatment specialists"

Leninsky prospect, 42, bld.1, r.1416, P.O. Box 83, Russian Federation, Moscow, 119119

+7 495 938-73-87 Moscow, UTC +3, 9–30–18–30

info@endovascular.ru for questions related to the Congress